Overcome Your Creative Blocks, Master Your Workflow & Stay In Flow

Dear Ableton users,

Don't you hate it when you're working on a new project and you start to get that feeling of fatigue and your mind starts questioning every little decision you're making?! Then your session comes to a grinding halt followed by feelings of frustration.

Maybe you get the thoughts:

"Maybe I'm not cut out for this"

"If only I could make the sounds like x"

"I'm missing y plugin or z technique"

The reason why you're not finishing these tracks isn't because these thoughts are true. Infact, the problem is your ANALYTIC MIND making irrational judgement calls and puts you in a state of constantly thinking about what to do.

And, this isn't necessarily your fault, you look at your favorite artists and subconsciously compare yourself to them, so your analytic mind comes up with all these different narratives keeping you stuck in a decision loop.

This is what is known as DECISION FATIGUE, one of the most insidious things to effect your creativity and drain your energy.

However, there is a solution...

Did you know creativity is actually abundant? There's literally a hidden reservoir of endless creative potential you can access at any time. Surely you must of felt it at some point in your life, there might of been a time where you had very little skill or understanding of music but made an awesome track with no effort regardless AND you loved every single minute of it.

This is what is referred to as a Flow State.

This state can be accessed whenever you want, but it's not always easy because your analytic mind is very strong and will fight for control.

However, when you sit down to write music, the analytic mind isn't going to help much, in fact, as we laid out earlier, it gets in the way. BIG TIME.

So, you want to be able to access this reservoir as much as possible where your creativity, imagination and flow reside.

I've put lot of time and research into studying psychology, neuroscience and even spirituality and I was able to discover the secrets behind creativity and how it's possible for you to cultivate a flow state.

I've spent countless hours watching and reading interviews & podcasts from top-tier artists & producers such as Brian Eno, illGates, Maceo Plex, Disclosure & more. I was then able to uncover the secrets behind accessing and staying in flow.

Here it is:

Well designed templates & impeccable library management.

And I'm not talking about the <insert genre> type of templates, no.

I'm talking about templates which have all the 'admin work' removed, all your processing chains pre-set for you and easy access to samples without scrolling through your library in your DAW.

So I took the best bits from the best sources I could find and created something which has been modified and tweaked over the last 5 years.

The Flexible Writing Template.

It's designed to help you master your workflow, eliminate decision fatigue and stay in flow.

It does this by off-load all of the'admin work', eliminating all possible problems for the analytic mind to hook onto which in turn helps you evade those insidious thoughts which create decision fatigue.

There's a good reason why the top producers in the world use well crafted templates and libraries, it's because they know they need to bypass the analytic mind as quickly as possible and make sure it doesn't creep back in during a session. It means you can also write music super fast!

So, when you click the button below you can watch a video going through all the functions & tools the Flexible Writing Template has to offer and how it can help YOU finally get a grip on decision fatigue, overcome your creative blocks and cultivate long-lasting flow states.

Meaning not only will you be making better music more consistently, but feeling more joyful, excited and above all - fun!

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